All About Me

All About Me

Monday, February 18, 2019

Nature Connections: February

Image result for February

This is my photo of the month-The snow was almost covering my car! It was a lot of work to dig it out.

Children can keep their February photo with their January photo and eventually use them to make a monthly photo book. (Explained in the January blog) 

Activity: How do animals stay warm in the winter: 

First you can ask children to brainstorm how humans stay warm in the winter and how animals stay warm in the winter. Write down the list.

Here is my list:

You can then do various lessons representing how animals stay warm.

The blubber experiment (Explained in the Blue Whale Blog) is on example

Another example uses a glove to represent hair and plastic wrap under the glove to represent excess fat.

Activity: Shadows

Children will love looking at shadows during this time of year.

One activity that they would have a lot of fun with is creating a shadow with different materials. For examples if you made different shapes with cardboard boxes, it would create a very interesting shadow. They could take a picture of their shadow or make a video of themselves and their shadow. They could also use an app like My Story to create a story about their shadow.

Image result for creating shadow sculptures with children

Shadow Song:

The children could write a poem about their shadow or their shadow sculptures

Here is my shadow poem: 

My Shadow
My shadow is so silly
She always copies me
When I run, she runs,
We both sit under the tree
Sometimes she is hiding, 
Nowhere to be seen
But when she comes back out, 
She's as funny as can be. 

Image result for a warm winter tailImage result for the mitten Image result for under the snowImage result for childrens books about shadowsImage result for who will see their shadow this year

What's In My Lunch Box

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