All About Me

All About Me

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Landform Dinosaurs

Landform Dinosaurs Lesson: 

This lesson is a great way for children to learn about different landforms in an interesting way. 

To begin the lesson, each child will learn about a different landform. Once they have researched the landform, they will draw it on a piece of paper. 

This video could be useful to help children learn about landforms

This is my drawing of a cape:

*It may also be helpful for the children to add some words that explain the landform on the drawing*

Once all of the children have drawn their landform, they can be displayed in a place so all of the students can see them. 

Finally, challenge the children to draw a dinosaur using as many landforms as they can. They can do this individually or in small groups on a large paper (like the example below). 

The children can share their dinosaurs and explain what landforms they included. 

Another Example: 

Image result for Landform activities

Books About Landforms: 

Image result for children's books about landforms
Image result for children's books about landforms

Books About Dinosaurs: 
Image result for children's books about dinosaurs

Related Activities: 
*Classroom Landform Book
*Making Landforms Sensory Bins 
*Clay/Play Dough Landforms or Dinosaurs

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