All About Me

All About Me

Friday, February 15, 2019

Insects and Small Animals

Learning About Insects and Small Animals:

Image result for insects
Children will see some insects and small animals every time they go outside. They will ask a lot of questions about them and it is very important to help them find the answers. 

Activity: Bring in dead insects and let children explore them with magnifying glasses. Give them time to draw and write about their finding and the opportunity to share their findings.

There are some insects and small animals that are less common for us to see while we are outside, but children will still want to know about them.  

Activity: Using stamps children can make insects

*Children will discover what each insect is which may require a bit of research*
Activity: Bring in parts of animals that were found in the woods and ask the children questions about them. For example, you could start with "What animal do you think this came from?" Allow them to observe the animal parts and think about how that animal lives.

Activity: Bring out small animal figures and ask children about these animals. Help the children research the animals if they have never seen them before. You could have them build a habitat for the animals and talk about what each of the animals might need to survive. 

Image result for popular children's books about insects
Image result for Diary of a SpiderImage result for popular children's books about insects
Image result for children's books about small animalsRelated imageImage result for animals in the winter by henrietta bancroftImage result for popular children's books about small animals

Human Body

Learning About Our Bodies: 

Image result for the human body children

Children at a young age very curious about themselves. They want to know about their body, what it does, and why it does these things.


Organ Apron: Children can explore where different organs are in their body.

*Have the children create their own body with a variety of  art materials-They could work in teams to trace each others bodies and put their organs inside their "body."

Grossology: Research weird bodily functions with the children as they love to learn about the gross things their bodies do. 
Ex: poop, pee, smelly feet, snot, eye gunk, 

They could present the infrormation that they learn in any way (PPT, Vlog, Activity, Poster, etc.) 

Here is a PPT slide with poop facts: 

This is fake snot that children would love to make:

This is a fun song about germs:

*You could do a lesson about germs/hand-washing after watching this video*


Image result for magic school bus human bodyImage result for me and my amazing bodyImage result for why i sneeze shiver hiccup and yawn

Image result for sherm the germ

Books about Poop: 

What's In My Lunch Box

What's in My Lunch Box  When planning a lesson, the first thing you think of is probably not lunch time. However, children can...