All About Me

All About Me

Friday, March 29, 2019


Learning About Planets: 

Image result for solar system pictures

Although it seems like an abstract idea to learn about the planets it is important for children to learn about the Earth that they live on. Children will very quickly become interested in learning about the other planets and how the solar system work as a whole. 

Image result for planet earth

Enjoy this rap about the solar system! 

Lesson Idea: Make your own Plant 

Description: Children will use the art materials provided to create their own planet. Ask the children to share details about what life on their planet is like. 

Example-My Planet ("Michelle's World"): 

 I used silver sharpies, black paper, scissors, tape, and a large ball to make my planet. I used the sharpie to draw "continents" on the paper then I cut them out and tape them on the ball. For this activity children can have access to all of the art materials to build their planet anyway they would like. 

I named my planet Michelle's World because all of the continents are shaped like and consist of only things that I love. The continents on my planet are Ice Cream Factory, Giraffeland, Water Country, Bumpin' Beats, and Weight World 

Each continent consists of things related to the shape and name of the continent. For example, Girraffeland has millions of giraffes. Humans can live on all continents and can easily and very cheaply travel from continent to another. I placed "Weight  World" in between "Ice Cream Factory" and "Water Country" so people could conveniently get their beach bodies in check after eating unbelievable amounts of ice cream. 

Books about Planets: 
Image result for Books about planets Paperback Planets, Moons and Stars: Take-Along Guide (Take Along Guides) Book
Image result for Books about planetsHardcover The Boy from Mars Book

Books About Earth: 
Image result for Childrens Books about earthCover art
Image result for Childrens Books about earth

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