All About Me

All About Me

Friday, February 8, 2019

Nature Connections: January

 Image result for January

In this blog, I will share with you some fun things for children to do in nature during the month of January.

Activities (From the Nature Connections Book): 

*List of Manmade vs. Natural Materials: Look out the window and make a list of the things that are natural and things that are manmade. Have a discussion about what you find.

Here is my list: 

*Picture of the Month: At the beginning of the month go outside and take a picture of anything that interests you. 

This is the picture that I took. I was trying to zoom in on my camera to figure out what type of birds were in this tree and how many there were. I thought they were cardinals, but I found out that they were not. 

Variation: Have children take a picture of each month of the school year and make a photo book with all of their pictures. They could write about the things that they like or dislike during each of the months. 

Variation: When using my camera to zoom, I realized that it might be helpful to have binoculars that children could use when exploring outside to get a closer look at different things in nature. They could draw what they find in their nature journals

Book - What Will the Weather Be Like Today? by Paul Rogers

*Nature's Little Houseguests: 
Although most animals are found outside, sometimes they can be found in other places. Sometimes animals can be in our homes, even if we don't know they are there.

Have you ever found a hole in your box of cereal or other snacks.

How did it get there?

Maybe it was from a: 

Image result for mouse

Have you ever found a web in the corner of your home? 

It was probably from a: 

Image result for spider


Here is my drawing of my houseguest:

More Books!
The Story of Snow: The Science of Winter's Wonder by [Cassino, Mark]
Animals in Winter (Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science)
National Geographic Readers: Squeak!: 100 Fun Facts About Hamsters, Mice, Guinea Pigs, and MoreNational Geographic Readers: Spiders

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